Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Behind the Scene - Transindochina 2010 trip??

Imagine what backpackers do when they are on the move from point A to B? Sleeping, Reading, Dreaming, Eating and so on! These are what we usually do when we are on the move or when we are on our leisure time! Here it goes:- 




Day Dreaming

Writing Travel journal

Tips of the day:- Try to catch as much sleep as you can whenever you are free. try to update your journal daily so you don't miss anything important later on! Take as many photos as you wish with your camera as it's digital era...you do not burn your pocket developing those photos anymore! Day Dreaming anytime in the day as you wish...it's a holiday...free your mind and enjoy your life to the fullest! Most important of all drink more water and have enough rest!


Anonymous said...

HAHAH...interesting pics!..luving it all the way dude!...cheers!

not your ordinary blogger; said...

hahahahaha.....well people said this is director's cut ma!!!! U want me to upload some really sexy photos of you??? hahahahaha...funny